Wednesday 9 May 2007

Interview with Jo Linsdell on Lulu Publishing

This week I asked Jo Linsdell some questions about publishing with Lulu... I think you'll find her comments useful!

How easy was it for you to publish?
Lulu is very easy to use. They can even create the pdf of your book automatically for you so you don’t really have to worry about the technical side of things. They also have templates that you can use for free both for the format of the book and for the cover art. This means you don’t have to panic over margins and other issues that could affect the presentation of the book. There are guides on the website too full of information about ‘how to’ and an online help for assistance if needed.

How computer literate do you have to be?
Enough to be able to go to the website ;) Everything is so easy to use and the process is guided step by step so even the most computer illiterate person can publish a book.

Did you need support from Lulu at all, and in what areas?

I’ve never needed to contact Lulu for support because the site is very straight forward to use and my orders have always arrived on time and with good quality printing. Royalty payments have also always been on time and correct.

Are there any particular pitfalls a newbie could easily miss? What should I watch out for to make sure I get it right?
When designing your book make sure you consider the size before formatting. Some sizes e.g. pocket size books can only be ordered from the U.S. and the ‘standard’ size is different for the U.S (6 x9) and Europe (5 x 8). Think about who your market is and where you’re likely to sell more copies.

Overall: is it a positive thing for you to be using Lulu?
I’ve used Lulu to publish all my books so far and am happy with the results. I’m considering using a traditional publisher for my next book though so I can compare them and consider the differences between the two. I will however continue to use Lulu in the future esp. for ebooks.

Aside from Lulu, what marketing strategy has brought you the best results?
I do a lot of marketing for my books. I’ve sold books to people who have visited my website, myspace (where I have a page), PROMO DAY! (an online event I organise for people in the writers industry), my blogs, subscribers to my monthly newsletter and to members of writers groups that I belong to. There’s not really one strategy that has worked best. All of these plus interviews, leaving flyers in book shops etc…have helped sales.

Anything else you feel would be interesting for Lulu newbies?
I’m the moderator for two Lulu groups; Travel Literature and Italy and I strongly encourage lulu members to take part in the forum discussions. They can be a great way to learn more about lulu, meet other members, pick up some tips and advice and keep up with new developments on site.

Jo Linsdell-Feliciani
Visit Jo at the following websites:


Frank Creed said...


The first anthology I was published in (Tales for the Thrifty Barbarian) was done through Lulu as well. However, for some unknown reason Lulu has removed the book from their listings! and it hasn't been quite a year since it went up.

Yes, it was easy to use but we found that the cost per book was high and in order to accommodate's discount, we had to price the book at a much higher rate that I would be willing to buy it for. Too bad.

It is a great tool for printing a few copies at a time, e.g./ personal books of interest to family and friends only, galley copies (if you need only a few) to send to reviewers. Lulu is also a good source of photos and graphics that come at a reasonable price.

BTW I tagged you over at The Christian Writer's Notebook. Why don't you drop by, read 8 Random Facts about me and tell me what you think!


Christopher Hopper said...


I don't know you, but I tagged you for 8 random facts about yourself for just that reason! Please visit my blog for more details:


chrisd said...

This was good information about self publishing.

You have to do your tags now, Grace.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!