Thursday 26 May 2011


Partly against my better judgement, I have just accepted a translation job of over 13,000 words. Due June 5th. Heck, what can I say, I need the cash, and it's definitely more than doable. Don't let me push it all to the last day or two this time, or I will almost certainly be dead on the 6th.

What's the bet I'll get more done alongside it than I would have without? Ebook formatting and upload, a book launch party, critiquing, finishing a serial episode for Digital Dragon, reading 17 books, reading submissions, organising the Avenir project, preparing two anthologies, and hopefully a little exercise while revisiting Season Two of Doctor Who. All that plus the builders hammering around in my basement and a flatmate moving out on the weekend, not necessarily conducive to getting lots done.

I must be nuts.


Walt said...

And of course we'll do our part by constantly interrupting with chat, long winded emails, pointless letters, cards of questionable taste, and web-links that are just too, too neat to keep to ourselves ("Ooh! Ooh! Kittens singing and dancing!"). After all, what are friends for? (At least on those occasions when they're as broke as you are.)

Kat Heckenbach said...

Yes. You are nuts. Of course, that's your superpower, which means you will get this all done, and done brilliantly :).

Oh, yeah, and a big "Yay!" for the biking while watching Dr. Who.