Tuesday 19 May 2009

Visit My Volcano

So I went to Rangitoto on the weekend. I thought I'd be meeting some friends there, but I never saw any of them. Oh well. I was free to putter around with my camera and alternately cover ground at an alarming pace as I wanted to walk around a good part of the island's perimeter and also get up to the summit and back down again before the last boat out. And all this in five hours. Reckon I walked about four of them, with brief pauses for Tiny Teddies and a tin of spaghetti.

Anyway, I'll let the video tell the story. I have a bunch of photos too, we'll have to see about getting those posted. Watch this space, as always.

You can find out more about Rangitoto Island at www.rangitoto.org and the Wikipedia article.

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