Tuesday 14 October 2008

Relaxing in Ohio


Anders Branderud said...

Hello! I found your website. My name is Anders Branderud, I am 23 years and I am from Sweden.

You write about Christendom; but you haven't yet realized that the historical pro-Torah Ribi Yehoshua and the post-135 C.E. anti-Torah Christ is two different persons.

So who then was the historical Jesus?
The first century pro-Torah Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah - said:

"Don't think that I came to uproot the Torah or the Neviim [prophets], but rather I came to reconcile them with the Oral Law of emet (truth). Should the heavens and ha-aretz (the land, particularly referring to Israel) exchange places, still, not even one ' (yod) nor one ` (qeren) of the Oral Law of Mosheh shall so much as exchange places; until it shall become that it is all being fully ratified and performed non-selectively. For whoever deletes one Oral Law from the Torah, or shall teach others such, by those in the Realm of the heavens he shall be called "deleted." Both he who preserves and he who teaches them shall be called Ribi in the Realm of the heavens. For I tell you that unless your Tzedaqah (righteousness) is over and above that of the Sophrim and of the [probably 'Herodian'] Rabbinic-Perushim (corrupted to "Pharisees"), there is no way you will enter into the Realm of the heavens! “
Netzarim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matityahu 5:17-20.

For words that you don’t understand; se www.netzarim.co.il ; the link to Glossaries at the first page.

Ribi Yehoshua warned for false prophets who don’t produce good fruit = defined as don’t practise the commandments in Torah according to Halakhah (oral Torah). See Devarim (Deuteronomy) 13:1-6.

If you don’t follow Ribi Yehoshuas Torah-teachings, than you don’t follow Ribi Yehoshua.
So you need to start follow the historical Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – by practising Torah!!

Finding the historical Jew, who was a Pharisee Ribi and following him brings you into Torah, which gives you a rich and meaningful life here on earth and great rewards in life after death (“heaven”)!

From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel (www.netzarim.co.il) who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism

Grace Bridges said...

My father offers this explanation as one who has studied carefully the application of the Torah to the New Testament. We love are not anti-Jewish. He has greatly enjoyed working at a Hebrew school, studying Hebrew and various TaNaK texts etc.

The polarisation of Jesus against Pharisees should be regarded
carefully. Jesus also had Pharisees come and warn him that Herod
Antipas wanted him killed (Luke 13.31), and other occasions when "many Pharisees," or even Priests (Acts 6.7) became disciples. Apostles quoted Deut.18.15, 18,19 to support the claim that Jesus must be obeyed (Acts 3.22-23).

Having Greek text for NT is not a sin. It is just necessary because as Christians reached beyond Judea, the main universal language of East & Central Mediterranean, even Rome itself, was Greek. Even Jews living
in E Europe & Asia Minor (Turkey etc) read the Septuagint (LXX)
because it gave them the Torah, the Prophets & the (other) Writings of
OT in their everyday language. Therefore when Xtns quoted the Tanak (OT) in NT writings, most of the time they used the LXX.

A few brief examples of Christian interpretation of the Torah:
God told Noah and family that they could eat anything that moves, as
long as the blood is not eaten (Gen 9).
In Lev. 17-18, the laws are similar to those quoted in Acts 15, espec
Lev. 17.13ff, which applies to Israel and the aliens/Gentiles.
Thus in Acts 15 the Christians considering what to recommend to the Gentiles come up with ideas which apply to the "aliens in the land" (17.13) or the whole of humanity descended from Noah (Gen 9.4).
With other texts quoted in Romans (15.7-12 etc), it seems that the
early church studied and quoted inclusive texts from Tanak/OT.

Jesus also "declared all foods clean." (Mark 7.17-19). This is played out in Acts 10, when the Lord (Jesus) appears to Peter and says, "arise, kill and eat (even unclean animals)!" (like Gen 9). Peter has to be "converted" away from his strict interpretation based on laws of Moses.
And Circumcision came when God commanded Abraham, the first to receive a promise of the land. Before and after the "promised land" era, this principle does not seem to apply. Note that God still spoke to Abraham before circumcision.

Thus it is impossible for us to keep ALL the Torah, since different
covenants existed at different times in the wider Torah period. It
makes much more sense for we Gentiles to apply those parts of the Torah which are especially addressed to us. By Torah, you could mean the law of Moses in the strict sense of Exodus to Deuteronomy, but even that contains laws for aliens.
Nevertheless, those Jews who want to keep the Sabbath, festivals, food laws etc, are welcome to do so, provided neither Gentiles nor Jews judge each other (Rom 14, Col. 2.16ff etc). Some of these situations also applied to Gentiles having escaped from worship of Greek idols and foods offered to them. Note that Paul advocated circumcision for Timothy, who was born as a Greek-speaking Jew (Acts 16.1-3).
There is so much evidence that God respects all cultures, despite some
missionaries and Western academics who got it wrong.

I will still advocate the rights of Jews or any other culture to
perform worship and peaceful ceremonies, keep laws etc that are
relevant to them, even when such groups are minorities. What should
not happen is one culture forcing their particular practices on
another (that is, colonialism). None of the better principles (above) deny the Jewish roots of Christianity, or a special combination of Jews & Gentiles as in Rom. 15.7-12, and some prophetic roles for the Jews (book of Revelation etc). May God's people be one.